2023-01-02 8:32 AM
Happy New Year to you all.
A little help please...
I may have been a little ambitious with this project, but here goes.
I have made a board using a STMf429igt (176 pin).
This is based on the STM32F429 Eval board, (which uses the BGA216 version of the processor. )
In doing this I have swapped the pins to suit my board, using only a 16 bit RGB display and an external 4M x 16, SDRAM
In chosing pin configuration, the SDRAM memory uses bank 2, (instead of bank 1 on the evaluation board.)
Using an example in the TouchGFX program (for their STMF429 eval. board ), I have imported my STM 429IGT set up using the STM32CubeMX generated code.
Having added some code (generated by TouchGFX for the evaluation board) the board basically works.
However, the display shows one of my earlier attempts (not even sure where the GFX file is!)
If I change and update the GFX (adding some text etc) the generated files update but the screen shows the same, after a recompile.
(Anyone that has got this far, thank you for your patience)
So, my questions:
What part of the program, points to the generated GFX graphics and how can I change it?
Which command reads the graphics and transfers it to DRAM? (0xd0000000)
Any help would be gratefully received> I have spent way too much time on this.
2023-01-02 9:20 AM
Hi for this situation exist more combination of fail. Primary power off board and test what i sshowed after power on.
Debug ... is last build ok ? Is loaded last builded code into board or other ...
And for your q exist LCD with and without frame memory... Code for target system is in target folder.
2023-01-02 11:22 AM
Thanks for your quick reply.
You are absolutely right in that the display is blank after powering down and then restarting.
I don't pretend to understand why a picture came up in the first place.
Presumably one of my attempts must have worked??
Any clues please?
2023-01-07 12:03 PM
Following on from this and getting nowhere:
I tried setting up a project, using a Touchgfx example on a STM32F429 Eval board. Then starting a new project with an STM32F49IGT and then importing the 'Eval' project. After setting up all pins and functions again, I tried opening TouchGFX but it comes up with:
I've tried a couple of times, but get the same error.
Are there any easy ways of implementing TouchGFX on a none STM standard board? i.e. a variant of the STM32F429 Eval. board. The only differences are pin out (429igt instead of Eval BGA), memory using Bank 2 instead of Bank 1, no NOR memory. I believe I have copied all the relevant code.
Anybody used Embedded Wizard in a similar manner?
2023-01-07 2:07 PM
Seems you misunderstand ... STM dont have standart boards ... only demo for learning.
Normal proces for custom board have many steps.
And your error window say you what is problem. Mixing more version on your PC.
Simply is impossible help you .
Install latest designer and if you have more version open project files with right mouse click...
2023-01-07 2:31 PM
Hi. Thanks for your response again. STM32CubeMx is version 6.7 and TouchGFX is version 4.2, which I believe are the latest versions. I have watched and read several articles which infer that I should be able to use my board with an ST example, by importing the example into a new project (using my STM429IGT board). Clearly, you are right, in that it does not work, but which commands transfer GFX data to my SDRAM (@0x80000000). or where do I find this? Thanks again
2023-01-08 12:35 AM
In TGFX library every commands manage or render GFX object directly in SDRAM = no transfer exactly.