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st8 Discovery gdi-error [40201]: can't access configuration database

Posted on March 27, 2014 at 20:09


I'm trying to use the ST Visual Develop with the Cosmic st8 32k compiler.  I install everything and build the project.  That all works fine.  When I try to connect to the Discovery board with the debugger using Swim ST-link, I receive the following error:

Starting debug session...


 -> Emulator reset (usb://usb)...


  ** Connection error (usb://usb): gdi-error [40201]: can't access configuration database




 -> Failed to connect target.

I have tried uninstalling and re-installing everything including the drivers.  I've tried other target settings.  The only one that works is the simulator.

When I connect the Discovery board, my computer sees it as an external HD.  I get the pop-up window and can look at the links stored on the board.  I'm using Windows 7 64bit.

I should also add that after the above error message a windows 7 pop-up appears saying that gdb7 has stopped working and a red LED glows on the board.

Any help would be appreciated.



#stm8-discovery #i-also-get-same-error-so-please

Hi there. I am facing same issue. Did you find any fix?

Thanks a lo0ot. This worked for me. Only one thread on google which is talking about this issue.


Running 'ST Toolset.msi' did not work for me (both as normal user and admin) but I found my solution here:

It says:

You will need to open a command prompt in administrator mode. For those that don't know you will find it at

Windows/Start button->All Programs->Accessories->

Right click on 'Command prompt' and select 'run as administrator'

First type this one

Regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO350.DLL"

And then this one


Regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO350.DLL"

This unloads and then reloads the DAO DLL which fixes the problem nicely. It also assumes you have a standard install of Windows so if you put DAO350.DLL somewhere else then you will have to change the paths.

You might also have to cd \windows\system32 before anything to use regsvr32 but mine defaults to there

@jwilson​ @MRaja.1710​  @Ilia Baranov​ 

Associate II


I'm facing too. Could you let me know the method if you fixed ?

Associate II

Did you find the solution ?

The above answer from Mworl.1974 (Community Member) solved my issue.

Associate II

Thanks, the issue was fixed.

Associate II

I tryed everything above and the same error appear and appear and not resolve, i don´t know more, i am thinking that ST have a big problem with this and everyone have the same situation and not resolved, what can i do to resolve?????????

sachin patel

hi every one ,,

if you don't get solution for the same

for windows 10 press windwos+x and select admin power sell

and type this two command

  1.  Regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO350.DLL"
  2.  Regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO350.DLL"

best regard,

sachin patel

I tried the STtoolset.msi repair - not fixed

Did an uninstall / reinstall - fixed it.