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Forum Posts

Resolved! Stm8s003k3 temperature measurement

Hi  Everyone,I am using Stm8s003k3 to measure the temperature of three different places. Then displaying each temperature on 3 digits 7-segment display (3 of them to show each temperature separately). Now to display the temperature on all 3 seven seg...

KRiaz.1 by Associate II
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STM8L151G4 programming

I am using STVP and ST-Link V2 to program my STM8L151G4. I managed to upload my program once, but now I am not able to upload another one. It's one-file project, I build it using Small Device C Compiler. It gives me a .ihx file, which then I upload t...

Hydra by Associate
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st8 Discovery gdi-error [40201]: can't access configuration database

Posted on March 27, 2014 at 20:09Hi,I'm trying to use the ST Visual Develop with the Cosmic st8 32k compiler.  I install everything and build the project.  That all works fine.  When I try to connect to the Discovery board with the debugger using Sw...

marc by Associate
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Resolved! STM8S103F remapping timer 1 chan nel 1 to output C6

Hi, I bought me some STM8S103F3 small developent boards from china. Nice stuff. But I would like to make timer 1 channel 1 generate a PWM signal on output C6. This needs some remap of the timer 1 peripheral. Therefore I managed to set the AFR0 bit in...

sthvw by Associate II
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Resolved! crtsi.s file startup script for stm8A

Hello all. I am looking for an example startup script to perform a few initialization tests.I came to know that in data in RAM section there is a startup script.I would like...

raja1 by Associate II
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command line for the utility STVP_CmdLine.exe

Hi, can you please help I am programming my board using STVP_CmdLine.exe utility with the following arguments -ProgMode=SWIM -Device=STM8S105x6 -FileProg={FW_PATH} -verif -no_loop. I need an argument to change the frequency, something like Freq=1800....

Desultor by Associate
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PB4 doesn't work on STM8S003F3P

Hi everybody, I'm working with STM8S003F3P6 on a custom board, using PB4 as an output. It simply does not work. It is always high. I know it is a true open drain pin, and I provided the pull-up resistor, but it still doesn't work. Look at this image,...