2014-03-27 12:09 PM
I'm trying to use the ST Visual Develop with the Cosmic st8 32k compiler. I install everything and build the project. That all works fine. When I try to connect to the Discovery board with the debugger using Swim ST-link, I receive the following error:Starting debug session...-> Emulator reset (usb://usb)...
** Connection error (usb://usb): gdi-error [40201]: can't access configuration database
-> Failed to connect target.I have tried uninstalling and re-installing everything including the drivers. I've tried other target settings. The only one that works is the simulator.When I connect the Discovery board, my computer sees it as an external HD. I get the pop-up window and can look at the links stored on the board. I'm using Windows 7 64bit.I should also add that after the above error message a windows 7 pop-up appears saying that gdb7 has stopped working and a red LED glows on the board.Any help would be appreciated.Regards,Marc #stm8-discovery #i-also-get-same-error-so-please
2021-06-01 5:35 AM
It helped me a lot! Thanks!
2022-01-18 12:15 PM
Thank you. You saved my day.
2023-01-26 3:19 PM
Unfortunately, nothing I could read so far was able to solve mi problem. I tried all things described in this topic as well as severals others attempts by myself.
In fact, the issue seams related to the install pack newers.
What I did? Well, I remember that the old versions have been work issueless by the years.
Before everything, I unistalled the issue last version ST Toolset.
I got a 2010 ST Toolset installer, then I installed this one and all worked.
After that, I up to date the old instalation with STToolset newer version.
And so, got mi happy ending.
2023-08-16 3:21 AM
i downloaded the licence file it was originally with extension .lic
but the problem is when i tried to copy it into my PC it will automatically gets converted into txt file. whn i tried to debug it showing same error msg : ** Connection error (usb://usb): gdi-error [40201]: can't access configuration database.
rather i hve installed and unintalled software many times.
no error during compile buid and rebuild steps but while clicking on debug option error occurs.
please help to come out.
my account is Administrator