2014-03-27 12:09 PM
I'm trying to use the ST Visual Develop with the Cosmic st8 32k compiler. I install everything and build the project. That all works fine. When I try to connect to the Discovery board with the debugger using Swim ST-link, I receive the following error:Starting debug session...-> Emulator reset (usb://usb)...
** Connection error (usb://usb): gdi-error [40201]: can't access configuration database
-> Failed to connect target.I have tried uninstalling and re-installing everything including the drivers. I've tried other target settings. The only one that works is the simulator.When I connect the Discovery board, my computer sees it as an external HD. I get the pop-up window and can look at the links stored on the board. I'm using Windows 7 64bit.I should also add that after the above error message a windows 7 pop-up appears saying that gdb7 has stopped working and a red LED glows on the board.Any help would be appreciated.Regards,Marc #stm8-discovery #i-also-get-same-error-so-please
2015-08-26 5:16 AM
it seems there is another issue on some Windows 8 systems with the DAO-3.5.0 Jet engine. I was able to reproduce the issue on one machine. On this machine, I got the error ''Unable to initialize DAO/Jet db engine'' in stvd/swim/error.log. You might check this file in order to know if you are facing the same issue. If yes, I was able to recover by doing the following sequence: 1. run a DOS command prompt (%Windir%\system32\cmd.exe) in administrator mode 2. launch the command Regsvr32 /u ''C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO350.DLL''. This should unregister the dll; note that on my machine this step was mandatory to recover, despite the registry values seem correct before ... 3. launch the command Regsvr32 ''C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO350.DLL''. This should register again the DLL. Note that doing step 3 without step 2 was not enough for recovering in my case. Launching again STVD should allow connection to the SWIM target. Please tell me if this also fixes your case. The root cause for this is still not understood; it's perhaps because of missing rights during the first installing process, which is not recovered by subsequent installation ?? We will investigate this. Best regards2015-08-27 2:05 PM
Please help me.
I'm trying to use the STM8S Discovery dev board and I keep getting errors when I try to use the ST-Link to debug it.can't access configuration database. I have no idea why? or what the config database is? I've tried installing everything, reinstalling everything. I've tried two different computers and 4 different boards, and two different ST-links? I'm using windows 8. Any ideas?2015-08-28 5:00 AM
Hello Stephen,
Did you try what I explained in the previous post (26 august) ? The concerned database is stvd/swim/config/swim_conf.mdb. It requires the DAO-3.5 jet engine to be installed on the system. This is expected to be done by ST Toolset.msi, as explained in previous posts. Perhaps are you facing some other issue: to ensure, please have a look at the file stvd/swim/error.log after the error. If it differs from my previous hypothesis, please post it. Best regards2015-09-21 2:42 AM
Dear SC,
i got similar on windows 10. register DAO with admin right work perfect. thank you and best regards,alongkorn2015-09-21 7:13 AM
I tried this solution suggested on Windows 10 and works perfectly. Thanks!
2015-09-22 3:17 AM
I tried to follow your indication on a Windows 7 system in order to solve the GDI error [40201]: can't access configuration database. Note that Windows system is installed in drive F: I tried to run ''ST Toolset.msi'' fron DAO folder, using recovery mode; the installation seems OK. But the error remains. The error.log file is attached to this post. After unregistered theDAODLL; but when I tried to register again the DLL an error occurred: ''The module F:\Program File\Common Files\Microsoft shared\DAO\DAODLL has been loaded but the call to a DllRegisterServer failed. Error code 0x80004005'' May I try some other way? Thank You Maurizio ________________ Attachments : Error.log : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HzN6&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bKe%2FCcsHawjIbnI1lBVlMpDtXSXmoiXjFgAOsMc_rpg9HsU&asPdf=false2015-09-22 3:17 AM
I tried to follow your indication on a Windows 7 system in order to solve the GDI error [40201]: can't access configuration database. Note that Windows system is installed in drive F: I tried to run ''ST Toolset.msi'' fron DAO folder, using recovery mode; the installation seems OK. But the error remains. The error.log file is attached to this post. After unregistered theDAODLL; but when I tried to register again the DLL an error occurred: ''The module F:\Program File\Common Files\Microsoft shared\DAO\DAODLL has been loaded but the call to a DllRegisterServer failed. Error code 0x80004005'' My I try some other way? Thank You Maurizio ________________ Attachments : Error.log : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HzN1&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bKf%2Fg4i4mGXhIA64z4DZhIIfiCUx.7g6jNwom5Qpe6ZKelI&asPdf=false2016-02-27 3:36 AM
I am having the same problem as Maurizio. I've followed everything detailed in this post (including numerous reinstalls) and I still get the gdi-error. When removing the DLL and adding it again, I receive the same error as Maurizio. It's a stock installation on C:\ using Windows 8 64 bit.2016-03-04 1:59 AM
''DllRegisterServer failed. Error code 0x80004005''
I solved this by running the command prompt as administrator (I wasn't aware that I didn't do this before), Win-button -> search for command -> right click Command Prompt -> click Run as administrator. DLL now registers and debug works, issue is fixed.2016-06-03 4:39 AM