2014-03-27 12:09 PM
I'm trying to use the ST Visual Develop with the Cosmic st8 32k compiler. I install everything and build the project. That all works fine. When I try to connect to the Discovery board with the debugger using Swim ST-link, I receive the following error:Starting debug session...-> Emulator reset (usb://usb)...
** Connection error (usb://usb): gdi-error [40201]: can't access configuration database
-> Failed to connect target.I have tried uninstalling and re-installing everything including the drivers. I've tried other target settings. The only one that works is the simulator.When I connect the Discovery board, my computer sees it as an external HD. I get the pop-up window and can look at the links stored on the board. I'm using Windows 7 64bit.I should also add that after the above error message a windows 7 pop-up appears saying that gdb7 has stopped working and a red LED glows on the board.Any help would be appreciated.Regards,Marc #stm8-discovery #i-also-get-same-error-so-please
2014-03-28 1:54 AM
Hello Marc,
this is symptomatic for badly installed DAO-3.5 files. May you please try to recover by running ST Toolset.msi from <Program Files (x86)>/STMicroelectronics/st_toolset/stvd/dao. Do you have admin rights on your PC ? Best regards SC2014-04-15 4:04 PM
2014-10-12 7:28 AM
Thank you for support.
2015-05-18 10:21 AM
Thank-you, Christopher.
I'm so glad to have found this information.2015-05-29 3:53 AM
Truly excellent suggestion. It worked perfectly! Thank you. I have two x64 systems I installed STTOOLS on to and had the same gdi error. Your suggestion fixed it. The problem never appeared when I installed STTOOLS on 32-bit systems. Now for my subtext: Is there plans for STMicro to provide this same fix into the STTOOLS distribution? I was just smart enough to go looking for this page web to find your fix. Not everyone puts in that energy. They usually just give up. Len2015-08-10 8:57 PM
I have tried this fix but am still having this issue.I am able to program via ST Visual Programmer but cant use the Debug.. Please helpthanks2015-08-13 6:27 AM
To Ilia: what happens when running manually ST Toolset.msi (does it end with a message of success or not) ? Which is your operating system ? Perhaps a reboot after the install might fix the issue if the objects have not been correctly registered immediately To poma.len: yes I agree it would be very nice ! The toolset installshield setup is already expected to run it automatically, it is not understood why it is not always the case (or why it fails)... Then additionally in the installation setup script of most recent versions an explicit call to msiexec.exe is done but it looks like, so far, it is still not enough for fixing all cases2015-08-24 9:28 AM
I also have run ST Toolset.msi (Repair option, I assume). It succeeded (at least no error pop-up appeared). This did not resolve the problem.
I am running Windows 8.1 64-bit. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing as Admin, with no success.Programmer (STVP) works correctly to communicate via ST LV Discovery board (I can read and write Options bytes).In the STVD ''Debug Instrument Settings'' dialog I have ''usb://usb'' for ''Target Port Selection.'' I have followed the Discovery Tutorials steps exactly, and always get his error.What exactly does the ''40201'' error (''can't access configuration database'') mean? Read/write permision? Missing database? What is the configuration database for? Thanks!2015-08-25 8:38 AM