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"Unable to get the associate alternate setting of partition ID: 0xf1..." error after migrating to Windows 10 Host PC


USB speed  : High Speed (480MBit/s)                                 

Manuf. ID  : STMicroelectronics                                  

Product ID : USB download gadget@Device ID /0x500, @Revision ID /0x2001, @Name /STM32MP157DAB Re  v.Z,                                                 

SN     : 004700213438511336383238                                

FW version : 0x0110                                         

Device ID  : 0x0500                                         

Start operation done successfully at partition 0x03                         


 Error: unable to get the associate alternate setting of partition ID: 0xf1              

Error: please make sure that your alternate settings have string descriptors with the right format                                                  

Error: unable to upload data from virtual partition                        

Received PhaseID == 0xFF, system is going to reboot          

CubeProgrammer version is 2.7.0

TSV file is:

#Opt Id Name Type IP Offset Binary

- 0x01 fsbl1-boot Binary none 0x0 tf-a-stm32mp157a-stm32mp151-dk1-mx-usb.stm32

- 0x03 fip-boot Binary none 0x0 fip-stm32mp157a-stm32mp151-dk1-mx-trusted.bin

P 0x04 fsbl1 Binary mmc0 boot1 tf-a-stm32mp157a-stm32mp151-dk1-mx-emmc.stm32

P 0x05 fsbl2 Binary mmc0 boot2 tf-a-stm32mp157a-stm32mp151-dk1-mx-emmc.stm32

P 0x06 fip Binary mmc0 0x00080000 fip-stm32mp157a-stm32mp151-dk1-mx-trusted.bin

PE 0x10 env Binary mmc0 0x00480000 none

P 0x11 bootfs System mmc0 0x00500000 st-image-bootfs-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp1-duck.ext4

P 0x12 vendorfs FileSystem mmc0 0x04500000 st-image-vendorfs-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp1-duck.ext4

P 0x13 rootfs FileSystem mmc0 0x05500000 st-image-weston-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp1-duck.ext4

P 0x14 userfs FileSystem mmc0 0x33F00000 st-image-userfs-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp1-duck.ext4

There ar no any problems downloading this file in Windows7 with same CubeProgrammer version.

Could you please give an Idea what may be wrong?

Thank you in advance

Looking forward for your reply


Accepted Solutions

Yes. Problesm was solved. In my case it was VmWare virtual machine running on the same PC, that take control over USB each time target board restartes. After stopping VM problem was disappeared.

View solution in original post

ST Employee

Hi @ASkri.1​ ,

Sorry for late reply ..

Are you still fighting with this issue or find a way to fix/workaround it ?


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Hi, Olivier! I didn't find any suitable solution and fell back to Windows 7. I just suspect that the DFU driver may have a problem, because the board is visible as "STM32 bootloader" under Windows 7 and as "DFU in HS mode @DeviceID /0x500. @Revision ID /0x0000" under Windows 10. I'm not sure is it correct or not, but according to this: should be no problem. So, the problem is not solved :( Thank you in advance Looking forward for your reply вт, 26 окт. 2021 г. в 12:38, ST Community :
ST Employee

Hi @ASkri.1​ ,

Ok so I understand you already refer to troubleshooting guide on wiki such as

Searching for other case presenting the same error message I found 2 occurence :

-> looks dependent on the presence of STLink cable ?

What about your case ?

Else, internally we sometime faced similar issue the first time we program an SDCard with FIP partition ( DV3.0) while SDCard was previously partionned and programed with legacy ( TF-a, Uboot)

Let me know if you are in one of that case


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Hi, Olivier!

So, there are following update:

  1. We will avoid SD card issues and try to upload image to QSPI flash;
  2. There are no any STLink cable - all done via USB DFU;
  3. STM32CubeProgrammer v2.8.0 
  4. AMD Ryzen 7 @ Windows 10 21H1 (OS Build 19043.1288);

Trying to download flashlayout file. Waiting to stuck on error after programming partition 0x02:

RUNNING Program ...

PartID:   :0x03

Reconnecting the device ...

USB speed  : High Speed (480MBit/s)

Manuf. ID  : STMicroelectronics

Product ID : USB download gadget@Device ID /0x500, @Revision ID /0x2001, @Name /STM32MP157DAB Rev.Z,

SN     : 003F00313438511336383238

FW version : 0x0110

Device ID  : 0x0500

Start operation done successfully at partition 0x03

Error: an error occured while uploading data from the virtual partition 0xF1

Received PhaseID == 0xFF, system is going to reboot

Then, disconnect USB cable and connect it back (without powering down target board), start again.

STM32CubeProgrammer continue to download partitions 0x04 , 0x05, 0x06 (tf-a, fip1, fip2) and then stuck again on partitoon 0x10:

Error: failed to download Segment[0]  

Error: failed to download the File   

Error: Download partition 0x10 failed  

Error: TSV flashing service failed  

And error from U_BOOT side:

UPLOAD ... done

Ctrl+C to exit ...

########DOWNLOAD ... OK

Ctrl+C to exit ...


UPLOAD ... done

Ctrl+C to exit ...


UPLOAD ... done

Ctrl+C to exit ...

dfu_write: Wrong sequence number! [1] [0]

And next restart of STM32CubeProgrammer completes process with last 0x10 partition (UBI image)

Now board can be booted from SPI flash.

Have tried to download image to eMMC - with such trick - also ok. So, seems, that there is DFU reconnect

error before or after loading partition 0x03.

Could you please help me to avoid it.

I want to point again, that there are no such (any) problems with Windows 7 (Core i5/i7 MCU both tested).

Thank you in advance.

Looking forwared for your reply.

same issue on my custom board. do someone have any progress with that?


Yes. Problesm was solved. In my case it was VmWare virtual machine running on the same PC, that take control over USB each time target board restartes. After stopping VM problem was disappeared.

I don't run VM . and with old dunfell flashlayout it working fine. very strange behavior . tnx btw

I am on Windows and VMWare too, but even with virtual machined off , the issue persists (STMProgrammer v.2.16.0)