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STM32CubeProgrammer 2.7.0 released

ST Employee

New features

• Added the support for the STM32WB15xx microcontrollers in the STM32WB Series

• Added the support for the microcontrollers with 64 Kbytes of Flash memory in the STM32G0 Series

• Added HardFault Analyzer support

• Added Register viewer support

Fixed issues

58716 Error when trying to mass erase STM32L0 128K devices from the CLI.

61638 DFU error with the STM32F746xx microcontrollers.

64229 Impossible to erase sector 128 and upper on STM32L476RG with STM32CubeProgrammer.

73928 [STM32CubeProgrammer] [CLI][STM32H7] STM32H745I-DISCO: Unable to read big data from the external Q-SPI Flash memory.

78496 STM32F756 DFU Application Example does not work with STM32CubeProgrammer.

80586 [STM32CubeProgrammer][STM32L0][CLI] Verification progress bar ends at 24%.

85736 Empty area in HEX file is not well detected by STM32CubeProgrammer.

85898 Option Byte IRHEN must be deleted from STM32CubeProgrammer.

89140 [STM32CubeProgrammer v2.4.0][CLI]: Failure to recover when using the rdu option.

90060 [STM32L4] STM32L496: Cannot connect using DFU IAP.

91608 Programming issue using the NUCLEO-L053R8 board connected via the USB.

92200 [CLI] I2C Host sends out 2 extra bytes in the NoStretchErase command.

92774 [UART] STM32CubeProgrammer cannot program STM32H7 microcontrollers between 0x0810 0040 and 0x0810 0800.

93858 STM32H757 bootloader UART - .hex download verify error on the Cortex®‑M4.

93887 STM32F765xG (1 Mbyte): Not possible to program the Flash memory using STM32CubeProgrammer v2.5.0.

94636 [STM32CubeProgrammer-IAP] DFU programming failed.

96040 [GUI] When “No STM32 target found�? STM32CubeProgrammer cannot be closed.

96295 STM32L471: Not able to successfully connect to or program using the UART.

96905 [Prg-DB] Wrong Flash memory size for STM32L151xx devices.

97365 USB DFU connection issue using the NUCLEO-L152RE board.

98346 STM32L073: STM32CubeProgrammer v2.6.0 is not able to successfully connect to STM32L073xx microcontrollers using DFU.

98682 Programming issues using STM32L471VET6.

99401 [STM32G4 128K][GUI] Wrong WRP1A/B_END and WRP1A/B_STRT values for 128 Kbytes.

99963 STM32CubeProgrammer_API document update for STM32MP1 microprocessors.

Known problems and limitations

• Installer: Insignificant message is returned during the installation when other instances are already installed.

• On some macOS® machines, the STM32CubeProgrammer GUI fails to launch (must be launched in CLI mode).

• STM32WB1xxx: Incorrect PCROP area management via SWD.

• STM32WB1xxx: STM32CubeProgrammer is closed when trying to apply FUS upgrade via the UART on macOS®. Only tty is supported.

• STM32WB5xxx: Making FUS upgrade via the SWD interface from recent to older version returns success message.

• Programming of Option Byte list is not completed when the SEC_SIZE Option Byte is programmed on some STM32 microcontroller or microprocessor series.

• STM32WB1xxx: STM32Key Provisioning/Double signature is not tested.


"Added HardFault Analyzer support", tasty

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Senior II

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