‎2020-01-09 12:39 AM
Dear community
We are pleased to announce the release of STM32CubeProgrammer 2.3.0
New features
• Added the support of the STM32L4Pxxx and STM32L4Qxxx microcontrollers
• Added the support of the STM32H7Axxx and STM32H7Bxxx microcontrollers
• Added the beta support of the STM32WL Series microcontrollers
• Added the official support of the STM32L5 Series microcontrollers
• Added the support of HSM V1 SFI/SFIx for STM32H7Axxx microcontrollers
• Added the support of HSM V1 SFI/SFIx for STM32L5 Series microcontrollers
Fixed issues
63887 STM32CubeProgrammer does not program Option Byte from an .hex file for STM32F446xx.
64229 STM32Cubeprogrammer does not erase sector 128 and upper on STM32L476RG.
66609 STM32CubeProgrammer programming request of OTP byte via STM32CubeProgrammer.
67025 STM32Cubeprogrammer cannot connect ST-LINK without the mass storage feature. 77015 Support Flash Loader for STM32F769-EVAL:MT25QL512.
Known problems and limitations
• For the STM32L5 Series, the connection via the ST-LINK protocol is allowed only when mode is set to hotplug with TZEN=1.
• For the STM32L5 Series, the Option Byte programming GUI is not intuitive enough. Refer to the STM32L552xx and STM32L562xx advanced Arm®-based 32-bit MCUs reference manual (RM0438) for permitted accesses.
• For STM32L4Pxxx and STM32L4Qxxx devices, Option Byte programming via bootloader interfaces presents some limitations.
• For STM32H7Axxx and STM32H7Bxxx devices, Option Byte programming via bootloader interfaces (USB) presents some limitations.
• STM32L5 series programming presents limitation in macOS® when TZEN=1 and RDP=0x55.
• With some small-screen resolutions, the graphical interface of STM32CubeProgrammer presents anomalies such as inaccessible buttons.
• Display issues depending on the monitor used can occur with Linux®.
Get the new version now
‎2020-02-20 1:11 AM
Infact, document "en.DM00441049.pdf" - STM32CubeProgrammer release note (RN0109) and UM2237 User manual for STM32CubeProgrammer en.DM00403500.pdf both mentions of Host PC System requirements for Java as …
The Javaâ„¢ SE Run Time Environment 1.8 must be installed. Only Java8 is supported.
The Java™ SE Run Time Environment 1.8 (version 1.8.0_121 or newer) must be installed by Oracle® (Only Java™ 8 is supported).
If OpenJDK is used, be sure to download and install the OpenJFx library.
After Oracle® announcement related to the “End of Public Updates for Oracle JDK 8�?, access to OpenJDK is possible via adoptopenjdk.net.
The minimal supported screen resolution is 1024x768.
I did not try OpenJDK myself.
I am still waiting for some STMicro fellow to reply for my question !!
Still hoping one or another day they may respond :(
‎2020-02-20 4:24 AM
In my VMWare VM, running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS,
Its is working if I don't follow your install instructions. :face_with_tears_of_joy:
$ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0.0-dev
$ sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless
$ sudo apt install openjfx libopenjfx-java libopenjfx-jni
$ sudo update-alternatives --config java
$ ./SetupSTM32CubeProgrammer-2.3.0.linux
$ sudo cp /usr/local/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer/Drivers/rules/*.* /etc/udev/rules.d/
Sorry, Windows, no luck !
‎2020-02-20 5:17 AM
Yes, it also works for me in a Linux Mint virtual machine:
java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_222"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_222-8u222-b10-1ubuntu1~16.04.1-b10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.222-b10, mixed mode)
For Windows I built the same OpenJDK version with OpenJFx and still no go:
java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_222"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 1.8.0_222-b10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 25.222-b10, mixed mode)
I would prefer to run STM32CubeProgrammer in Windows natively. Yes, hopefully someone from ST can fix this.