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STM32CUBE Programmer development is not complete!

Associate III

Instead of completing development of STM32CUBE Programmer - every one now need to follow some manual steps with unknown versions of firmware with many undefined startup addresses and even when all steps are completed with success - development board still not programmed properly - examples are not working!!!

Associate III

The error message come up when I am clicking the general link - Install updates - not related to any board.

Ahh, so the Help -> Software Update? That doesn't work for me either. I get the same message you do.

You can download and install the newest version from the website. That'll do the same as the update.

STM32CubeProg - STM32CubeProgrammer software for all STM32 - STMicroelectronics


Hope you figure it out. It can be frustrating. Cheers and good luck.

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Associate III

If people here are not developing STM32Cube software, nor are guiding development, or responsible for it - when all people here are wasting there time including me!