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STM32 device cannot be recognised without STM32CubeProgrammer

Associate II


I am creating an application for a device built using a STM32L4R9ZIT6 board. However, it will not be recognised in DFU mode (or at all) unless the host machine which it is connected to by USB has STM32CubeProgrammer installed. I attempted to delete STM32CubeProgrammer but may not have done so thoroughly because it still works on my machine, and not others which have never had it.

Is anyone aware of what drivers are installed with STM32CubeProgrammer, or what I could do differently?



So the DFU driver, not the ST-LINK driver. How do you plan on pushing the DFU file to the board without one of the tools that does that?

The prior tools would have been this, the DfuSe Demo, should have the DFU Manger tool also

You can recover or zip up the driver files from the STM32 Cube Programmer Install, and use those directly, should be .INF, .CAT and .SYS files all right there.



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Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Try this:

  • Open Device Manager
  • Click on the device and select "update driver" 
  • Then select "Let me pick from a list of available drivers"...
  • Then select "WinUSB device" and proceed to install this driver.

See also How to Modify USB DFU firmware examples to work wi... - STMicroelectronics Community

Thanks for your help. When it comes to distribution of the product, can we package the application firmware with these drivers? Or is there a different approach? We want to avoid the client having to download DfuSe or STM32CubeProgrammer.
