2025-02-20 07:34 AM
I use the H750VBTx chip to read register 0x1FF1E7FE and the return value is shown below
With reference to https://community.st.com/t5/stm32cubeprogrammer-mcus/stm32cubeprogrammer-2-18-0-released/td-p/747840 article, Is the bootloader version of my chip unable to program external qspi flash using stm32cubeprogramme2.18.0?
Where can I get the latest available routines in the \bin\ExternalLoader folder?
which version of cubeprogrammer have the example?
if anyone have the example folder,please send to keanlee0721@foxmail.com
thaks very much
Best wishes
2025-02-21 12:47 AM
Hello @keanlee0721
I don't quite understand your request. Do you want to program external memory via the bootloader interface ?
If yes, this is not possible for most STM32 system bootloaders (For now only possible for STM32H7R/S using the OBL external loader).