2023-03-01 12:02 AM
what is exact command prompt to activate the IWDG_STDBY_FREEZE
2023-03-02 8:14 PM
hi. any one having experience on what i am facing .please share your example codes how to freeze the i watchdog before enter to standby mode ?
2023-03-02 10:51 PM
This setting is in the option bytes. STM32CubeProgrammer can be used to change it.
Details may depend on the chip series and chip.
2023-03-03 2:57 AM
i have tested with stm32f103cx series and stm32f401ccu series . still i watch dog resetting the MCU in standby mode. any idea what is wrong in this.
2023-03-03 9:57 PM
hi, stm32f401ccu6 datasheet saying that option byte is available to freeze the i-Watchdog . but surprise i-Watchdog is keep on resetting the MCU in standby mode . really where is exact mistake ? Hardware Watch dog or Software Watch dog i have to choose ? . currently i have unchecked box to choose the hardware i-watch dog . and checked box to choose the No reset nRST_STDBY
2023-03-11 12:09 PM