2023-12-22 1:23 AM
I am experiencing the following problem during development with STM32L4A6VGTxP.
Is there any solution?
Custom board with STM32L4A6VGTxP microcontroller
STM32CubeIDE v1.9.0
STM32CubeProgrammer v2.13.0
Firmware package STM32Cude FW_L4 V1.17.2
[Problem 1]
J-TAG (STLINK-V3SET) is connected to the board in the initial state (internal FlashROM is empty).
Program writing via J-TAG (STLINK-V3SET) after turning on the board power
Reset without turning off the board power
→Program does not start.
Turn the board power OFF/ON
→ Program starts normally.
[Problem 2]
Turn on the board power in BootMode for the board in the initial state.
Execute program writing in BootMode.
Reset without turning off the board power
→The program does not start.
Turn the board power OFF/ON.
→Program starts normally.
The problem that the program does not start after resetting is,
This problem occurs only when the program is written from an empty internal FlashROM.
If the internal FlashROM is not empty, this problem does not occur.
Are there any restrictions on resetting with BootMode or J-TAG connected?
Any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated.