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locked out of my stm32g431.

Associate III

made my own board with stm32g431kb and accidentally disabled swd. I can't acces my board anymore and pulling up boot0 doesn't help.


Youre not locked out , try this:

  • CubeMx CubeProgrammer with Power down or under reset mode0693W00000YAmQYQA1.png
  • If that doesnt work you need to do the reset SW raindance.
  1. Hold the board in reset
  2. Release the reset and inmediately press Connect in cubeProgrammer
Available for consulting/freelancing , hit me up in

is this cubemx or cubeide? in dube ide and cubemx I don't see the tab from your picture. and also do this with or without boot pulled up?

Like the "raindance", did it several times...



Available for consulting/freelancing , hit me up in

I tried this several times with and without boot pulled up and it wont connect

show us how youre connecting the SW pins, do you connect the reset line from the stlink to your board?

Just to be clear, it was working fine untill you disabled SW in your code?

Available for consulting/freelancing , hit me up in

I can't connect the reset line both to the stlink and manually pull it down. but i tried both. it's a custom board but here is a picture. yes it worked fine the first time with both my boards ( I made two) . but after that, they both didn't connect anymore. then i saw i forgot to check the swd debugging pins in ide. i just connect the swd and swclock to the swdio and swclk of the stlink.


>>but after that, they both didn't connect anymore

If you didnt break anything, you should be able to programm the mcu even without SW active in your previous code.

>>I can't connect the reset line both to the stlink and manually pull it down

Just do one of them not both at the same time.

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