2024-08-22 3:05 AM
I have written a program in the STM32CubeIDE V1.16, creating a .elf file for the STM32H723.
I then followed the Phils Lab tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlCYI2U-qyM to program the Nucleo development board using USB using STM32CubeProgrammer V2.17.
When I pull the boot pin high and press reset, it goes into boot mode, and the programmer detects it.
However, when I download the elf file, I get these errors:
Error: failed to download Segment[1]
Error: failed to download the File
It used to be segment [2] that failed, but I updated CubeIDE and and .IOC file and it changed to segemet[1].
I updated all my versions and followed solutions in other similar questions, though these are segment[0] errors
Some solutions say to change a setting in the CubeProgrammer, but there's no obvious settings option I can change.
The code uploads into the MCU when the LED turns on, which indicates it does work. However, I want to clarify this error so that there isn't an issue in the future.
Thanks in advance for any help
2024-08-26 3:39 AM
Hello @KSOdin2,
I couldn't reproduce the issue on my end, could you share your .elf file for further investigation?
2024-08-27 1:36 AM
After reading your comment, I just realised that I was trying to upload the .elf of the 64-pin H723 chip to the Nucleo board, which has 144 pins. I've tried a code generated with a .ioc file for the 144-pin version, and it now downloads, though it has no proper functionality apart from writing to Flash.
I tried to upload with the same method to an STM32H7A3 nucleo board with some code designed for that board. And it has the error for segment [2]
I've attached the .elf file as a .7z file to see if you have the same issue. I have changed some of the memory protection in the .ioc. I don't know if that changes it.
2024-09-05 9:06 AM
Hello @KSOdin2,
In order to test it on a Nucleo-H7A3 you can use an example for that board from the STM32CubeH7 Firmware Package, and since you already used STM32CubeMx with that board you will find it under: C:\users\yourname\STM32Cube\repository\STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.1\Projects\NUCLEO-H7A\Examples\....
2024-09-05 9:42 AM
Your linker script (.LD) is wrong, you're trying to write content to RAM (0x24000000 and 0x30000000) directly.
The initial RAM content needs to be parked/stashed in FLASH and copied out via code in startup.s