2022-01-17 7:46 PM
I have STM32H753XI-EVAL2 board with CN2(USART1) connected to PC. Switch 1 position is set to 1(Sys Mem).
I am getting error when tried to connect using STM32 CubeProgrammer.
19:43:22 : RTS low
19:43:22 : DTR low
19:43:22 : Serial Port COM18 is successfully opened.
19:43:22 : Port configuration: parity = even, baudrate = 9600, data-bit = 8, stop-bit = 1.0, flow-control = off
19:43:24 : Timeout error occured while waiting for acknowledgement.
19:43:24 : Timeout error occured while waiting for acknowledgement.
19:43:24 : Error: Activating device: KO. Please, verify the boot mode configuration and check the serial port configuration. Reset your device then try again...
Did anyone observe the same?
2022-01-17 8:20 PM
Have you checked JP3 note in user manual, also check option byte values using ST-Link.
2022-01-18 12:48 AM
Dear @KGane.1 ,
Did you try different baudrates? Could you please try with 115200 baud?
2022-01-18 10:52 AM
Yes. Tried with JP3 and switch. But doesn't work. Timeout for acknowledgement.
2022-01-18 10:53 AM
Tried with range of baudrates. 2800 to 115K. But doesn't work. Timeout for acknowledgement.
2022-01-18 3:31 PM
Seems there are open issues in H7 System Bootloader. I am seeing problem in both H743/53 and F769 EVAL boards. I have F407 which works fine.
Based on the discussion thread
The recovery is to use STLINK and then try USART1 to program. Unfortunately I don't have STLINK right now. I have to wait till I get one..
2022-01-18 10:18 PM
STM32H753XI-EVAL2 board has a ST-LINK built in.
2022-01-19 2:15 PM
@Pavel A. Thank You!
I can connect using STLINK and USB DFU. But USART1 is failing still.
As mentioned in other thread, should i have to disconnect pull-up USB pins, in order to use USART1?
2022-01-19 2:33 PM
The EVAL boards are rather busy, the system loader may or may not function on them robustly due to active signals at reset. Most of us are not using this as a mode of connectivity for debugging/development. Don't the VCP / RS232 switch/mux ?
Cycle board power when attempting. Make sure BOOT0 is switched HIGH
2022-01-19 3:07 PM
@Community member Agree. Something else is going on. I need time to catch the problem.
Both VCP and RS232 is working in normal(Flash) mode. Problem is only when I try to run System boot loader through USART1.
Boot Switch is driving the BOOT0 correctly. USB DFU is working fine. OTG2_FS LED turned ON, Cube programmer is connected MCU and downloading is success.
Thanks for inputs.