2023-01-05 10:16 PM
I'm trying to set the option bytes DBANK=0 thru CLI using v2.12.0 STM32CubeProgrammer
MCU: STM32G474
CLI argument:
STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -c port=SWD FREQ=1000 mode=UR LPM reset=HWrst -hardRst -e all -OB DBANK=0 -rst -e all -w C:\TestFW\TestHex.hex -v
Warning: Option Byte: dbank, value: 0x0, was not modified.
Warning: Option Bytes are unchanged, Data won't be downloaded
Time elapsed during option Bytes configuration: 00:00:00.015
While using the obsolete stlink utility 4.4.0, Option Bytes were updated successfully.
CLI Arguments:
ST-LINK_CLI.exe -c SWD FREQ=1000 UR LPM Hrst -ME -OB DBANK=0 -Rst -ME -P C:\TestFW\TestHex.hex -v after_programming
Success message:
Updating option bytes...
Option bytes updated successfully.
Just need to make this work on the STM32CubeProgrammer. Thanks
additional details
ST-LINK SN : 54FF6B066684565533271587
Board : --
Voltage : 2.60V
SWD freq : 950 KHz
Connect mode: Under Reset
Reset mode : Hardware reset
Device ID : 0x469
Revision ID : Rev X
Device name : STM32G47x/G48x
Flash size : 128 KBytes
Device type : MCU
Device CPU : Cortex-M4
BL Version : 0xD5
2023-04-20 3:02 AM
Exactly, I have the same issue. I cannot use STM32_Programmer_CLI to set DBANK to be 0. Could someone tell us how to realize this? Thanks.