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Arduine IDE cannot program through Cube Programmer


I have installed STM32duino and using Arduino IDE to program STM32F407VG.  I have set the upload method to 'STM32CubeProgrammer(DFU). Arduino IDE fails to program the Board.  However when I download the .bin file created from Arduino IDE using the Cube Programmer, it works fine.  Can somebody help me to set the system so that I can directly program the board using the Arduin IDE.   


You should probably ask this in the STM32duino forum - that's the official place for STM32duino support:

>>I have set the upload method to 'STM32CubeProgrammer(DFU)..

Sounds like you haven't..

Perhaps you can use an ST-LINK/V2-1 or V3 that permits for a drag-n-drop of the .BIN into a USB MSC drive.

Problems with Arduino IDE, perhaps converse with Arduino, and their forum?

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