2018-01-27 11:22 PM
I am working on a project connecting a Nucleo-F767ZI with IBM Watson IoT. I found an expansion X-CUBE-WATSON I I read the example inside it using the Disco-F769NI. I read the code and tried to configure my Nucleo the same way but I don't know if my configurations are right or not because there are many things in the examples (I know that there are some files don't need changing). I checked the documents and they are not showing how to configure the CubeMX or some kind like that to run the example.
So are there any tools or many documents or may be articles that can help me with this? I hope that there are somethings that can help.
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
#x-cube #x-cube-watson #cubemx2018-01-28 2:00 AM
Probably having the disco to compare with nucleo would help the porting.
Don't know this X Cube package, if there is a CubeMX config for generating the example you can try to port it over.
- Must disable all the existing SW relying on a HW that will be missing in the nucleo (SW surgery & limb cutting needed)
- Check the STM32 pinout of the Ethernet to check if some GPIO are different and require adjustments
- Make sure the SYSCLK is the same (are the crystal or oscillator values the same for both boards...)
2018-01-28 9:09 AM
Too bad I only have the Nucleo. There is no CubeMX config for the example so it is like finding a tiny needle in the lake.
Thank you
for your advice so much. Now all I can do is to SW surgery and keep looking for more documents about this. Hope ST will provide more document for this.2018-01-28 4:28 PM
I have a 767 running on my own board.
I use the Cube and Visual Studio
2018-01-28 6:09 PM
Can you share me a method to configure it? Thanks
currently I am using the X-cube-watson with my F767 but I am stuck at the RTOS and ethernet.
best regards,
2018-01-28 7:07 PM
This one works for me.
it is an older cube...
________________ Attachments : Terminal18-767-208.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hxpt&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000b3v%2FJDuRlbi37Wx1Tdi8.N0VrsDfsnKVgEDL6EjmJTFjZz8&asPdf=false2018-01-29 6:48 AM
Thank you so much for your help T J. I will base on yours and build my own.
Best regards,
2018-01-29 4:12 PM
This is my T18,
I maybe able to sell these, later in the year.if my Pick n Place machine turns up. SMT460
2018-02-01 5:11 PM
Woa, it works so smoothly T J, thank you so much for this. Happy Lunar New Year and wish you all the best!
Best regards