2020-06-19 4:42 AM
At register level selecting ADC trigger event is done thru EXTSEL with many internal sources (timers) and one external (EXTI Line 11). Consistent approach is in LL API, where selecting trigger source by "LL_ADC_REG_SetTriggerSource" function or thru LL_ADC_REG_InitTypeDef TriggerSource. But in CubeMX is that configuration splited in two places with confusing labels.
If i want to select internal triggers i have to select literaly "Conversion trigger Disable" (realy confusing because by this option in reality i am enabling internal trigger source selections - or in other words i am disabling only one specific trigger source (EXTI)). In addition internal trigger sources are called "External Trigger Conversion Sources". I suppose that both these options should be merged into one configuration field to correspond with logic of reference manual...
version of CubeMX 5.6.1
2020-07-17 4:02 AM
Hello @Michal Dudka ,
Thanks for you're feedback,
For the moment if you want to use "external" conversion trigger you need to "enable" the "EXTI Conversion Trigger", for injected mode => ADC_Injected_conv will take the EXTI Line15 for exp and ADC_Regular_conv will take internal signal , for regular mode => ADC_Regular_conv will take the EXTI Line11 for exp and ADC_Injected_conv will take internal signal, for injected+regular mode , both will take external signals.
In case when you want to use only "internal" signals for Regular and Injected Conv trigger , you need to "disable" the "EXTI Conversion Trigger".
Otherwise, it will be internally discussed with the team, I'll propose to make some changes in this point.
Thanks again and Best Regards,