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Why is gender specified in generated source files?

Associate II

Hi there,

I'm working with the STM32CubeIDE and noticed that the automatically generated code from STMCubeMx in main.c implies the user is male, which strikes me as odd:

void Error_Handler(void)
  /* USER CODE BEGIN Error_Handler_Debug */
  /* User can add his own implementation to report the HAL error return state */
  while (1)
  /* USER CODE END Error_Handler_Debug */

A more inclusive phrasing could be "User can add their own implementation..."

I know it's a small thing, but as our industry is attempting to be more inclusive these little things are important. I of course don't think that ST or any employee is intentionally doing this, just to be clear, but wanted to point out the line. It also occurs elsewhere in automatically generated files.



Hello @DPast.1​ ,

Good catch! I have to say that as a woman working in ST, I do genuinely feel this is an inclusive company which values its female employees. With that said, I see your point and will bring it up to the STM32 CubeMX team and see how we can address this modification.

It may take time to be done since it is not only related to STM32CubeMX tool but also to the firmware files, already generated examples, etc...

Thank you for bringing this up.
