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I have an STM32L073CZ that I'm having an occasional error with. I'm using the HAL libraries to program EEPROM and a number of our MCUs are seeing errors where they fail to write the first word. After that it'll start working correctly and everything ...
I've been trying to get simultaneous RX and TX working on USART2 of a STM32L073 and have not been able to get it to work. I've messed around with priorities, order of enabling DMA transfers, etc but always the TX DMA transfer succeedes and the Rx DM...
Hello,I'm trying to get my STML071CB down to the lowest possible current, but can't seem to get to the low levels provided int he datasheets with my own code. I'm using the LL libraries and am going into STOP mode using the following code: LL_PWR_En...
Hi there, I'm working with the STM32CubeIDE and noticed that the automatically generated code from STMCubeMx in main.c implies the user is male, which strikes me as odd:void Error_Handler(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN Error_Handler_Debug */ /* User ...
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