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Where is the "stm32l5xx_hal.h"?

Senior II

I made a project based on NECLEO STM32L552ZE-Q, when I made it from MX configuration tool, I found there was no "stm32l5xx_hal.h", while it was included in main.c, where could I find it?0693W000006HUTzQAO.png

Senior II

The recent time, I ran the code, it didn't show the error, and the code has been updated into board, since when I push the user button, I saw the first time what I expected, but I couldn't communicate with it by serial port, I guesses maybe as you said " the HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED and HAL_USART_MODULE_ENABLED" has not been enabled. But I could not fine the file"stm32l5xx_hal_conf.h", although I could find file "stm32l5xx_hal.h" there.

And, the board was shown as "STMicroelectronics STLink Virture COM Port (COM7)" in"Devices Manager" of Windows 10, I could only find COM1(Communications Port) in Putty.

Senior II

OK, I found it, it was here:

/...(project name)/Core/Inc/stm32l5xx_hal_conf.h

Senior II

I just tested in VS Code, it was said COM7 connected, no problem no error, but I just could input into it, and could see output from board in it.0693W000007BxOHQA0.jpg

> But I could not fine the file"stm32l5xx_hal_conf.h", although I could find file "stm32l5xx_hal.h" there.

It's shown in the screenshot in your very top post. You're going to need to try a little harder here if you want to solve issues.

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“HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED�?​ was found in NonSecure's "stm32l5xx_hal_conf.h" after MX. Since I have set LPUART1 as "asynchronous" , so USART is not needed.