2019-03-11 06:46 AM
Hi there,
I use a stm32 f767zi nucleo board in corporation with a security chip from microchip technology (atecc508a). To send a wake condition over i2c communication I have to set the sda pin for a certain amount of time "low". Is there any function to achieve this?
I've already tried to toggle the SDA Pin with "HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_9)", with no results but as I was told, this isn't working at all, because the pin was already configured.
I've configured my board with STM32CubeMX. PB8 and PB9 is for SCL and SDA of i2c connection.
I would appreciate any help.
Thank you very much.
2019-03-11 11:00 AM
Change the pin mode from AF to Out in GPIOx_MODER, perform the toggle using whatever means, and then change it back to AF.
I don't use Cube so don't know if there are any magic incantations to achieve this, but I doubt it.
2020-01-13 03:59 AM
Hi did you find a way to way to send a wake command ? I tried using the HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit function for sending 0x00 to the I2C address, but no luck :(
Kindly share if you have found a way.
Thanks! @workingStudent