2018-10-08 8:59 PM
Please apologize if I am asking for trivial question but I have following problem. I have set in the STM32CubeMX pins which are used for SWD ( I am using th STM32F103CBT6 ) as an output pins. When I compile the software and program the micro looks that is working but I have lost access via debugger to MCU :(. Could you be so kind and help me to understand how to proceed in order to get back SWD capability.
Thank you very much in advance
With Best Regards,
2018-10-08 10:01 PM
> ... the micro looks that is working but I have lost access via debugger to MCU :(
That's normal - you can't have your cake, and eat it at the same time.
Using the BOOT0/BOOT1 pins, get into the system bootloader and erase the flash. I think the FlashLoaderDemonstrator supports this functionality, usually over a UART line.
If you can use other GPIO pins for your application, better avoid re-using the debug pins ...
2018-10-09 5:22 AM
Thank you very much for quick suggestion. I will test it shortly and let you know.. Really appreciate
2018-10-09 12:32 PM
Hello I was trying this but as you describe but no success. What I did I follow the suggestion from my friend and use the ST-Link Utility and change the setting on Target->Settings to mode to Connect under Reset. After that I was able to get access to the MCU and erase wrong SW.
Thanks a lot