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STM32H747IITx undefined reference to `touchgfx_init' its STM32 Cube MX generated code and giving this error.

Associate II

0693W000007ZXNzQAO.pngI can navigate to that from right click and go to declaration. On converting to C++ it starts to give other issues.


Hi @Khouloud ZEMMELI​ , I'm facing same problem.. undefined reference to `touchgfx_init'

When will ST fix it?

Hi, thank you for sharing your idea.

Have you tested this method? I did step by step many times. but in step 11 still I have same problem..

Hi. You are correct. Well, half-correct rather! You had me doubting and so I've tried those steps to find out it does not work for every parts. For instance the built failed for a STM32F412RGT6 however it did worked perfectly fine for a STM32H743VIT6.

I'm attaching the successful built (STM32H743VIT6) following the steps above. I've cleaned the project, see if you can build it.

ps. For the record; the STM32F412RGT6 failed build I'm getting the following errors:

1) undefined reference to `touchgfx_init'

2) undefined reference to `touchgfx_taskEntry'


  • STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.7.0 Build: 10852_20210715_0634 (UTC)
  • TouchGFX 4.17.0
  • Windows 10

Thank you again.

Yes I used STM32F407 and I had same errors you mentioned about F412.

It seems it's OK when I choose other option in project creation. When I select "copy reference.. " (not the default option) I don't see those errors anymore.

By the way thank you very much for your reply and attention.

Hi @Mecanix​ ,

What was your STM32CubeIDE version?