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STM32CubeIDE doesn't generate UART init function call


I am using NUCLEO-H743ZI which has STM32H743ZI on it. In the 'Device Configuration Tool' under the 'Project Manager'->'Advance Settings' there are options to set how I want to generate HAL calls. I basically want to set all of them 'Visibility(Static)' so they are called at the 'beginning' of main function.

However as soon as I hit 'Save' or 'Generate Code' the visibility of 'MX_USART3_UART_Init' disabled and 'Not Generate Function Call' is selected automatically. I can of course call the function manually but this unpredictable behaviour is concerning...


ST Employee

Are you able to attach the IOC file to check the behavior?


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Khouloud ZEMMELI
ST Employee

​Hi @AErde.1​ 

Please use the latest CubeMX version (5.6.1), if issue still exist , could you please share your ioc file?




Thank you for your responses, my CubeMX version is 5.6.1 and CubeIDE version is 1.3.1

I would like to give update about my situation. Even though tool doesn't allow me to set static visibility, it has been called somewhere inside CubeAI with CubeAI's generated code. Hence it seems working, but as soon as I disable "CubeAI Validation" the settings are left as it is so UART is left uninitialized.

This kind of dynamic between the plugins and CubeMX is little hard to discover especially since this function visibility is under 'Advanced Settings' which can be tricky for inexperinced users such as me.

Khouloud ZEMMELI
ST Employee

​Thanks @AErde.1​  for your feedback , issue detected, it will be fixed.

Best regards,
