2020-07-05 5:47 PM
1: Is it so that DMA/MUX on all STM32G0xx devices cant access GPIO?
2: Cube MX cant enable 64Mhz on the clock config (max 48Mhz) a bug?
3:TIM15 can be enbled by CubeMX G030Cx but is not on G030Cx devices, bug in CubeMX?
2020-07-05 6:20 PM
> 1: Is it so that DMA/MUX on all STM32G0xx devices cant access GPIO?
Correct, DMA doesn't have a connection to GPIO in this family. See "Figure 1. System architecture" in the reference manual.
> 2: Cube MX cant enable 64Mhz on the clock config (max 48Mhz) a bug?
Works fine for me.
> 3:TIM15 can be enbled by CubeMX G030Cx but is not on G030Cx devices, bug in CubeMX?
I don't see a TIM15 for this chip.
Maybe update your software and make sure your project is using the chip you think it is.
2020-07-05 7:07 PM
Thanks TDK!
But according to datasheet page 20 and reference manual page 220 STM32G030/G070 have a DMAMUX
who can do DMA between GPIO both as I/O triggers and memory to GPIO I/O. AN5224 covers DMAMUX. A atraining presentation paper called STM32G0-DMAMUX
includes mapping and examples.
Have the latest Cube MX 5.6.1 , it shows TIM15 but PLL have only div/mul stage
and 3 way mux and not as in your picture. However if i switch over to a G030K/071C
then i can set 64Mhz core clock and TIM15 vanish and can set the DMAMUX .
So something is weird with Cube MX and as usually with ST data sheets needs revisions, e.g picture on cpu says 56Mhz!
2020-07-15 2:42 AM
Hi @GBral.1 ,
I selected STM32G030C8Tx on STM32CubeMX and try to check what is the issue, but didn't catch it, sorry.
Could you please explain more what is wrong from your point of view on documentation and STM32CubeMX?
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2020-07-17 2:54 PM
Sorry but there is no more then explained in previous posts!
2020-07-18 12:51 AM
CubeMX 5.6.1
STMCudeIDE 1.3.1 (CubeIDE 1.3.0 was not working properly.)
None of issue mentioned, work fine no trouble on DMAMux, PLL too.
DMAMux can generate an alternate DMA service with selectable channel out of 5/remaning.
Then about best answer: Your answer resemble what TDK wrote.
2020-08-12 5:21 AM
TDK did his best but wrote the opposite ,and factually incorrect, of what i wrote
so best answer is not an issue!
2020-08-12 7:20 AM
Hi GBral, maybe your project was generated on early STMCUbe version supporting Gxxx series. Some bug where in place and migrating don't solve. New project must be generated on latest version to be sure of correct settings. I realized config file is a text file and if something is wrong there remain as is.
Early version was assigning just one pin of I2C, not sure but some issue where on processor selection too.
After a lot of time to understand what was wrong with Java got both stmcube and cubeide working fine. Overall feeling now is good.
I appreciate tool, some improvement can be added and also a table enumerating mapping across family and function is missing.