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STM32F4 Discovery HAL LIBRARY Bit's not defined

Associate III
Posted on June 30, 2016 at 18:13


      In STM32F4 Discovery using HAL Library, bits 'CAN_FLAG_FMP0' and 'CAN_FLAG_FF1' of RF0R register and RF1R register are not defined in the 'stm32f4xx_hal_can.h' file.

I have found bits 'CAN_RF0R_FMP0' and 'CAN_RF1R_FMP1' of RF0R register and RF1R register defined in 'stm32f407xx.h' file. Are these flag defined properly with the correct values. Please help me in this.

I am using IDE: Atollic True Studio.

Thanks in advance!

#can #cubemx #!stm32f4-disco #!stm32f4 #canbus #stm32f4-can-tx-rx #hal #stm32
Nesrine M_O
Lead II
Posted on July 01, 2016 at 13:39

Hi saraf.ninad.001,

Could you precise in which HAL library you have found the issue. So, we can verify it.


Associate III
Posted on July 01, 2016 at 14:18

i have found it in file: stm32f4xx_hal_can.h , author:  MCD Application Team, version: V1.4.4, date: 22-January-2016, brief :  Header file of CAN HAL module.

i have also found similar problem also in file: stm32f4xx_hal_can.h, version: V1.5.0.