2018-06-25 03:49 PM
I'm trying to enable the USB device peripheral for the STM32F042F4 in STM32CubeMX but it is greyed out and I don't seem to be able to enable it. I've checked the datasheet for this part and it seems to support USB so is there a reason for this?
2018-06-25 04:06 PM
You'd need to check for settings that remap the PA9/PA10 pins to PA11/PA12 (USB_DM/DP via SYSCFG_CFGR1)
2018-06-25 04:54 PM
Did you find it ?
under SYS you can swap the PA9/10 with PA11/12 as described by Clive.
then the USB selection becomes enabled.
2018-06-26 12:19 AM
I see now, that's sorted it! Thanks guys.