2016-09-30 2:08 AM
I have problems using STM32CubeMX together with KEIL mdk 5. When starting a new project in Keil I can use all the Keil functionality, but when I open Cube from the project runtime environment and initialize everything in there, than I am not able to include Middlewares from Cube in my project. It doesn't include all the files as it does when starting a project in Cube. I can add them manually and this works ok, but this isn't a very maintenance friendly way of coding. On the other hand, when starting a project in Cube I can't add all the Keil CMSIS and Board Support(stm32f4) functionality(only adding RTOS RTX is doable) without getting low level errors. Is there a way of using those two together and use all of there functionality on a user-friendly way? I hope someone can help me with this issue. (and this post is placed instead of having to type it all over..) #stm32cubemx2016-09-30 3:14 AM
Hi Mark de Groot,
Your message is not clear. Please , try to reformulate and take into account the differece between Cube and CubeMx words. In addition, try to descrive clearly what you are not able to do : is fafter generationg the CubeMx project, you are unable to add utilities or middelware folders ? or other issue ?-Hannibal-2016-09-30 4:31 AM
Hi Hannibal,
Sorry, I mean to say that when I create a project in KEIL Uvision and set-up the project as shown here: http://www.keil.com/pack/doc/STM32Cube/General/html/cubemx_proj.html Than, if I add HAL drivers like I2C and SPI it works fine, but when I add Middleware(such as FATFS) it doesn't include the files in the project. When creating a project in STM32CubeMX and than open this in KEIL, it works fine, only no possibility to use KEIL CMSIS drivers. I have shown the Keil environment in the screenshot below. USB middleware is added in both, but only the project created in STM32CubeMX has included all the files.2016-10-06 8:57 AM
Dear user,
Please contact Keil support for such questions.
Best regards