2021-08-04 11:41 AM
Hi everyone, I'm currently working with one NUCLEO-F767ZI board and everytime I create a new project on STM32CubeMX this "Error Downloading the following files: crdb_full.zip (Cannot unzipped)" appears.
I already tried to reinstall the STM32CubeMX and delete the crdb_full.zip file at <userfolder>\.stmcufinder\plugins\mcufinder\mcu\cs as suggested in another post.
I attempted unzipping the crdb_full.zip manually but it seems that there is an error with the file itself.
Is there any solutuion or workaround to solve this problem? Is this affecting the build?
2021-08-05 6:08 AM
Hello @IMira.1 ,
Thank you for your post,
I cannot reproduce the issue, are you using the latest CubeMX version?
I propose as a workaround to download the Latest FW version from site, unzip it under your Repository then Select it in CubeMX, I'm waiting for your feedback if this workaround works for you or you still face some problems..
2021-10-25 5:33 AM
Hello Khouloud.
I face the same, so far unsolvable, issue: STM32CubeMX STM32F7- "Error Downloading the following files: crdb_full.zip (Cannot unzipped)"
I've just loaded 2 days ago STM32CubeIde 1.7.0. I've started an Udemy Tutorial and now I am stucked, can't progress. I spent more that 12 hours to consult documentation on how to fix. I failed to fix the issue. Please advice what to do. Thank you.
2021-10-25 6:13 AM
Additional info.-> This crdb_full.zip is in C:\Users\....\.stmcufinder\plugins\mcufinder\mcu\cs
( this contains: crdb.db, crdb.zip, crdb_full.zip - which is empty and can't open at all, not even manually)
-> in C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.7.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.common.mx_6.3.0.202107141111\db\plugins\mcufinder\mcu\cs
exists only crdb.zip
I hope it helps.
2021-11-28 3:10 AM
Hello Saram.1
Delete the crdb_full.zip and close the STM IDE. Reopen the IDE and it will work fine. It works fine for me after deleting crdb_full.zip and reopening it.
Try it once.
Thank you.
2022-07-25 5:49 AM
Similar here with V1.10.1
"error downloading the following files cube-finder-db.zip (cannot unzipped)"
The solution for me is to run STM32CubeIDE with admin rights.
Probably STM should look into this direction
2022-09-28 12:55 AM
I'm also using V1.10.1 and not far from going crazy. I tried to run with admin rights, tried to delete the crd_full.zip. Uninstall ide and install it again. None of them helped me every time I try to open a new project program tries to install the same thing 3 times eveytime it fails.And when I try to use the CubeMX same zip comes to the screen again. Can anybody at least point me into a direction. Thanks.
2022-09-28 1:16 AM
What is the named error message? Probably it is not the same issue.
Look into your "STM32Cube\Repository" folder in your profile. You can manually unzip the files there.
I had issues with my antivirus solution, which prevented the IDE to extract the ZIP file. Probably this is the case at your place.
2022-09-28 1:20 AM
Here is the solution for me:
"Make sure you don't have the application firewalled in Win10, or via AV applications. You'd need to whitelist internet connectivity, or configure your local proxy server if your corporate environment has that."
2022-10-19 11:37 AM
This is an old question. However this is reproducible today by putting STMCube/Repository on a network drive.
Sometimes unzipping the firmware for it works. Sometimes it gets stuck on the license and insists on unzipping it again and failing.
I came to find solutions. Not found any. Suggest dodgy file locking and threaded unzip. Either that or the FW files have case sensitivity issues.
F0 firmware was fine.
F4 firmware will not unzip.
My plan:
Move the repository to C drive. Unzip the firmware, move it back.