2014-03-06 4:02 AM
It would be great to have access to the STM32CubeMX project files for various evaluation and demonstration boards, like the STM324xG-EVAL that uses the STM32F407IGH6 processor. This would greatly help porting a dev board to a custom PCB.Thanks,Nicholas #stm32cubemx #stm324xg-eval2014-03-06 4:59 AM
As I understood it, everthing that is finished yet is also available for download.
Just check the appropriate ST website. So what you are looking for might still be in the making. Would be great if some ST guys could enlighten us about the release roadmap ...2014-03-06 5:24 AM
Like STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.0.0\Projects\STM324xG_EVAL\Examples\ADC\ADC_TriggerMode\MDK-ARM\Project.uvopt or what specifically?
2014-03-06 6:41 AM
Hi Clive1,
No... ST has made a rather nice configuration manager called STM32CubeMX. I want the project file for the various dev boards - so it will be something like:STM324xG-EVAL.iocwhich I can then use to see the pin mappings, clock settings, etc. and obviously change these to my specific needs.2014-03-06 7:26 AM
How about a Micro Xplorer IOC for the
?2014-03-07 12:16 AM
Hey Clive1,
That is exactly what I was looking for... but hoped for the STM324xG-EVAL version. Thanks, Nicholas2014-03-18 8:18 AM
2014-03-26 12:36 AM
Nope! Seems we need to wait for ST...
2014-06-05 8:36 AM
Using STM32CubeMX v4.2 you can now select an ST Board instead of only an MCU when starting a new project. Additional boards will be supported with the version 4.3 coming out few weeks from now. Best Regards