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STM32CubeMx Offline Update with new FW Libraries

Michael Steinecke
Associate II
Posted on August 05, 2014 at 17:42


it is nearly impossible to update the Firmware Libraries for the CubeMx Tool on a PC without Internet connection, following the description in the manual.

Please clearify the the procedure. Probably there is also a bug somewhere.

I managed to update the FW Lib on a PC, using the Eclipse plugin. On other machines which had seen the standalone version, I'm unable to update the Lib. I get only a list of the Libraries from 1.1 to 1.2, but never 1.3.

#cubemx #offline #st32cubemx
ST Employee
Posted on August 06, 2014 at 12:03

No it is not possible for the moment we have included this possibility in our next release that will be available in September.

The 4.3.1 version that will be available by the end of the week on the internet will have the correct references to the latest libraries.

There is still a manual procedure possible if you have a PC connected to the internet and already updated. You can copy on the PC not connected to the internet both the repository and the .stm32cubemx\plugins\updater\updaters.xml (in your home directory)



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