2019-09-18 06:39 AM
I'm working with the STM32F429ZI (Nucleo) board. STM32CubeMX v5.3.0, generating code for IAR Workbench.
I've set a static IP address, and otherwise kept default settings.
I've created a basic CubeMX project with just LWIP enabled and unable to ping the board.
In the main function call part of code generated calls function MX_LWIP_Init() and in while(1) MX_LWIP_Process() - don't see any error or timeout ,just keeps polling in while loop. ( I could see the ethernet led's ON after passing through initialization phase)
Also when i tried the HTTP server(netconn) example with FreeRTOS was able to get the application working.
Could anyone suggest what I am missing in my test setup ?
2019-09-18 07:41 AM
A network sniffer is missing. so you cannot see what actually goes on the wire.
-- pa
2019-09-18 08:24 AM
I am not experienced in using the network sniffer , when I ping the board (ip address from my pc ( pc id addr - I see host not reachable packet shown in wireshark tool. Does it give any clue ? (Attached the screenshot)
2019-09-18 02:19 PM
> I see host not reachable packet shown in wireshark tool. Does it give any clue ?
No, unfortunately not much. Just that your board does not answer ARP requests.
If you use LWIP customized by ST, ARP replies should be automatically sent by the ethernet controller.
-- pa