2021-01-17 3:10 PM
I have just updated to the latest:
STMECubeMX to version 6.1.1.
STM32CubeF1 Firmware Package V1.8.3 / 20-October-2020.
Part Number: Stm32f103RCTx.
And I have found the bug - probably ?
When you use SDIO and define it as 1bit, the CubeMX claims that UART4 and UART5 become unavailable. It warns about conflict with SDIO_D2 and so on.
But at 1bit mode I do not use SDIO_D2.
And with previous version (5.6..?) of CubeMX it was working well.
Something went wrong with this new Cube / Package version? I hope :)
Best regards.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-01-17 5:12 PM
On the STM32F1, alternate functions cannot be selected on a per-pin basis. If a pin has multiple alternate functions (such as PC10 being UART4_TX and SDIO_D2), only one of those can be enabled at a time, per the datasheet. Doesn't matter if SDIO_D2 isn't being used.
This has led to quite a few inclusions in the errata sheet. These are fundamental design decisions rather than silicon bugs, in my opinion.
Other families can select which alternate function to use for each pin to avoid this.
2021-01-17 5:12 PM
On the STM32F1, alternate functions cannot be selected on a per-pin basis. If a pin has multiple alternate functions (such as PC10 being UART4_TX and SDIO_D2), only one of those can be enabled at a time, per the datasheet. Doesn't matter if SDIO_D2 isn't being used.
This has led to quite a few inclusions in the errata sheet. These are fundamental design decisions rather than silicon bugs, in my opinion.
Other families can select which alternate function to use for each pin to avoid this.
2021-01-18 1:05 AM
Hello TDK,
thank you very much for your quick and very valuable response.
Yes, indeed the errata sheet says about it.
I usually read the manual, data sheet and errata sheet before I close the project but this turn I have just forgotten.
So thank you again for advice.
And thanks to CubeMX crew that they took into account the errata sheet too.
The previous versions of Cube did not warn me about it. Thank you.
Best regards