2020-06-15 3:11 PM
I get the error message below twice when I try to create a new project on STM32CubeMX:
I tried deleting the crdb.zip file as mentioned in the post below: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000BBonsLSQR/stm32-cube-mx-error-downloading-the-following-files-crdbzip-cannot-unzipped
and performing a refresh but I still get the error message above.
Will there be any issues with my build if I ignore the message?
I also noticed that I could not perform any updates as pressing "Check For Updates" on the main window gives me the following error message:
Are there any workarounds to these problems? I tried uninstalling and re-installing STM32CubeMX but the error messages still appear. I am currently running STM32CubeMX 5.6.1.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
2020-06-18 4:21 AM
2020-06-18 12:05 PM
Hi Khouloud,
Thanks for the response! How can I reproduce the .log file?
2020-06-18 11:44 PM
Hello RrW,
You will find this file at the location <userfolder>\.stm32cubemx\STM32CubeMX.log
2020-06-19 2:07 AM
Hi Khouloud,
I have attached the log file. An update regarding the STM32CubeMX issue: When I create new projects now, the error message related to the crdb.zip file does not appear. However, the error message still appear when I do a Refresh Data on CubeMX. The other download error also appear when I try to look for updates (maybe this one is not an issue if STM32CubeMX does not have any new updates?).
2020-06-19 5:14 AM
Hi RrW ,
Could you please retry to delete the crdb.zip and try to download it manually by opening this URL on any web browser:
http://xsel.stmcufinder.com/refresh/v2/crdb.zip ( the manual download should be attempted on the same machine you are running CubeMx) then restart CubeMX and check if this workaround can help you to resolve Data Refresh problem.
Also, could you tell me if you had 2 CubeMx instances started when the problem occurred ? and what type of Proxy Server are you using ?
2020-06-19 12:43 PM
I also have to note that I don't think any firewall is blocking CubeMX as it can still connect to the internet. I actually downloaded embedded software packages for the STM32F4 yesterday and it worked fine.
2020-06-19 12:43 PM
Hi Khouloud,
I deleted both the crdb.zip and crdb.db (database file) and replaced it with the crdb.zip and crdb.db (inside the zip file) from the link you provided and the Data Refresh problem still occurs.
Yeah - I had two CubeMX instances open when the error occurred, but I usually have 2+ instances of CubeMX open before and the error wasn't there (I usually have one window open for a new project and other windows of past .ioc files open). Regarding the Proxy Server Type, I have No Proxy (am not using any Proxy).
Thank you!
2020-06-22 1:48 AM
Hello RrW,
Thanks for your feedback, I raised this internally for check and will come back to you with update.
Best Regards,
2021-04-22 11:43 AM
Hello Khouloud,
I'm facing exactly the same problem, with both CubeMX and CubeIDE.
Please advise if you have any outcome from your internal checks?
Best Regards,