2019-03-13 12:45 PM
Hello, friends!
I configured the project for STM32L011 Nucleo board for read ADC input and I noticed that some of frequency devider options were greyed out for some reason).
However I tried to change this setting in the c file with 100% success:
At least the code worked perfectly as was expected.
So the question is: why Cube greyed out this options while being applicable? Is there any method to get the information on why option is grey?
2019-03-14 12:01 AM
Hello @Community member
Thank you for the feedback , this is reported internally for further check.
Best Regards,
2019-03-14 12:40 AM
Wouldn't that result in ADC clock frequency below of the minimum given by datasheet?
2019-03-14 3:11 AM
Could you make clear what kind of miminum frequency you are talking about? I see this in the datasheet: "When selecting an analog ADC clock frequency lower than 3.5 MHz, it is mandatory to first enable the Low Frequency Mode by setting bit LFMEN=1 into the ADC_CCR register".
So I switched the "Low frequency mode" parameter to "Enable". I suppose that that is it?
2019-04-12 12:14 AM
Hello @Community member
According to our development team , the asynchronous clock mode divided by x should respect the Fadc min, max constraint :
the Fadc min, max constraint is :
according to an RCC Parameter: Power Regulator voltage Scale 1 or 2 or 3 we define a max and min Fadc constraint.
the asynchronous/synchronous clock mode divided by x can be selected only if :
Fadc min < ADCClockSynch/x < Fadc max & Fadc min < ADCClockASynch/x < Fadc max.
for example in our case we use STM32L0
-the ADCClockSynch =16 MHz & ADCClockASynch = 2.097 MHZ
- the power Regulator Voltage Scale is set to power Regulator Voltage Scale 1 => that give us a Fadc min = 140 KHz and Fadc max = 16 MHz
we take the example of asynchronous clock mode divided by 4 and the asynchronous clock mode divided by 256
16Mhz / 4 = 4 MHz Fadc min= 140 KHz < 4Mhz< fadc max = 16 Mhz then the asynchronous clock mode divided by 4 can be used .
16 MHz /256 = 62.5 KHz < Fadc min = 140 KHz then asynchronous clock mode divided by 256 not allowed .
that why the not allowed divider are grayed in Mx.
in the c file, the code worked perfectly because all divider are declared and can be used without any problem.
Best Regards,