2019-06-07 11:22 AM
Hello to everybody,
some years ago a community member pointed out that there were not so many code examples in CubeMX for beginners:
and I agree, I am struggling too to find them. I downloaded STM32CubeF4 examples but they seemed too few. I googled around for examples and I found this:
the main.c file in the post is an original ST Microelectronics code. Where can I found such detailed official examples, for STM32F4 microcontrollers (Nucleo or Discovery)? Regards,
2019-06-07 12:32 PM
Search engines these days do wonders in finding things.
Maybe ST should have a curated list of quality 3rd party examples.
-- pa
2019-06-07 1:30 PM
If people actually valued support, there might be more of it available. Technical support is such a thankless task.
2019-06-11 12:35 AM
I agree with you, Clive Two Zero. That is why I always reply with an email just to thank the customer support staff.