2018-02-13 2:38 PM
Hi There,
I've just switched to using Atollic (from System Workbench) and am having issues with the code generation in STM32CubeMX. When I build a project using 'generate under root', the code will not compile with undefined references to all the HAL functions.
e.g. errors like
..\STM32_workspace_9.0\TEST_PROJECT_UNDERROOT\Debug/..\Src/hrtim.c:69: undefined reference to `HAL_HRTIM_Init'
If I generate with this box unticked then there are no problems.
I am using:
STM32CubeMX V4.24
STM32Cube FW_F3 V1.9.0
Atollic TrueStudio V9.0.0
#atollic-truestudio #stm32cubemx2018-02-14 5:40 AM
Hello ,
Please check if you have the same issue with CubeMx version 4.24 reported in this discussion
Best Regards,
2018-04-11 6:31 AM
Hello Marks,
thanks for your feedback.
I'm not able to reproduce the problem.
could you please give me more details about the scenario to reproduce it or send me the ioc?
best regards,