2022-11-30 8:17 AM
We are pleased to announce you that the official release of STM32CubeMX v6.7.0 is available for download here
What is new in STM32CubeMX V6.7.0?
Main fixed issues
130537 [Project Manager] Wrong call order for MDMA/DMA Init functions
119809 [MX-L5][CodeGen] Warning generated when IP initialization as a pair of .c/.h
125698 [Cortex-M7] No default MPU configuration is proposed
126668 [MX-HRTIM][LL] Issue in HRTIM init in LL code when "General peripheral initialization as a pair of .c/.h files per peripheral " parameter is checked
128892 [IDE-GUI][H7]Changing MDMA list type from linear to loop listing causes MX tab to appear * even after saving modification
131802 [MX-CodeGen][H7] Project showing error during generation after enabling multi-threaded support checkbox for cortexM7
132093 [DMA] MX_DMA_Init() is called after MX_TIM23_Init()
133163 [STM32CubeMx] [DRR] DDR3 settings unavailable using STM32CubeMX
134921 [HRTIM] HRTIM generated code that enable Resynchronized Update even we disable it
134934 Execution in RDP-2 impacted by DWT-based code in SystemClock_Config()
135590 [MX-ETH][MW-LWIP] HAL_ETH_Start should be replaced with HAL_ETH_Start_IT in "ethernet_link_thread" function
137342 [STM32CubeMx] [FreeRtos] The tool can't open the *.ioc file if user constants are used with FreeRtos
138331 Issues with toolchain location folder and Makefile toolchain
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2023-01-27 2:33 AM
Hi everyone,
Since the update my CubeMX has been in troubles:
I'm working on a stmf7xx with FreeRTOS activated, even if i'm pretty confident that is not related to my issues.
I will try to downgrade to 6.6.X.
2023-02-14 2:24 AM
Yeah well,
I updated my STMCubeMX installation and, at the very end, the application froze once the update window closed, then the exe of the app also disappeared from my HD (again) and now i can just perform another installation from the start (again).
I thought that problam had been addressed and solved already years ago, as it was already the case in the past, but apparently, the problem is still here.
2023-02-28 12:06 AM
Am I the only one who cannot unzipped the downloaded file? 7zip and winrar tell that the file is corrupted. the error come up in each version of setup.