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STM32CubeIDE - CubeMX deletes project

Associate III

I am trying to use STM32CubeIDE 1.4.0. Previously I was using 1.3.0. I was calling the CubeMX, since I wanted to make a change to the configuration. When CubeMX generated the update code, it deleted the entire project. No traces of the project are left, except for the root directory and and an empty directory "Drivers/CMSIS". Why is this happening? Forunately, I made a backup just before I did this, otherwise my entire project would have been gone.


Ouch ... here is maybe issue ... according my carreful follow up of such forum releases < STM32CubeIDE 1.1.0 were suffering of such unexpected project lost ... since 1.1.0 sounds no more complains about.

Anyway I've open back with 1.4.0 a 1.0.0 project I've got and no issue so far asking for project update from device configuration tool.

About nature update moving from 1.3.1 to 1.4.0 I'm getting same result as you but my project is still there ...

Unlinking entire directory trees containing user modified files is never an acceptable response.​

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According to me no software can not be bug free. But expecting at least working nominal usage for sure.

Then sharing my own mind being fully fair I'm always taking care of tool whatever it is (embedded world or any other) updating code for you especially if you have spent hours/days/weeks on ... But today SW dev. good practice should save you if any issue ... GIT is my best friend ��

Update is a real challenge ... What about if you have at a point a MW and want at another point later on within your dev. cycle get rid of ... you're going to ask for some removal. If not will complain about ... Definitively update is high risk exercise ...

Thanks for the info. I tried creating a new project and change back the:


to the one giving me problems:


And there's no problem generating code with CubeMX.

So... I'm having something in my project that causes some kind of missbehavior of something related to MCUCubeIdeServicesRevAProjectNature. That's something we'll never know.

At least, my problem is fixed and everything seems to be working on my side when using MCUCubeIdeServicesRevAev2ProjectNature.

Thanks again!

Starting new project sounds STM32CubeIDE 1.4.0 is now sticked to MCUCubeIdeServicesRevAev2ProjectNature.

But takes care playing with these kind of Eclipse metadata (.project is Eclipse property) ... doing my 1.x.x project update to 1.4.0 I may have some .project files including both MCUCubeIdeServicesRevAProjectNature AND MCUCubeIdeServicesRevAev2ProjectNature. Guess some reasons for ... (hope so at least).

Same it's pretty impossible to diff x2 .ioc files (too many updates inside) ... I would be careful hacking .project / .cproject files ...

There is a difference between bugs and being reckless. Nuking a clients hard drive is not an acceptable choice for a parser to make. It is the result of a lazy choice, and an inability to foresee the likely outcome of a set of actions.

It comes from lazy design where instead of creating new content in a new/temp directory you modify active content, and do so in way that can't be unwound if the process fails to complete, for whatever reason.

Git and journalling file systems can save the day, but shouldnt be the first safety net you hit to break your fall.​

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Tends to agree.

But if a way to save your life just take it.

Associate III

This is my .ioc file. I was created with CubeMX 5.6.1. I am not sure how helpful it is, since it works fine with 1.3.0.

One comment: My wife is working as software QA manager, and in any company she worked for this would be a priority zero bug, which blocks the release of the product. Customer data must not be corrupted or deleted. Period. If I was ST, I would revoke the release of 1.4.0 until this bug is fixed.


Thanks for sharing I will have a try and such sharing will help ST I guess to confirm issue or not.

Despite not paied by ST I'm thinking if known bug ST would have not done the release public.

I'm sorry to say without bug software would not be software ... As far as I may know Apple, Microsoft, Google, Linux communities, ...even Boeing despite I guess drastic validation .... all are relasing product with bugs.

Myself I'm not able to advice anybodyy how to get 100% coverage doing validation ...

Happy if company your wife is working for is able to ... hoping you are shareholder of you're going to be a rich man !