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STM32CubeIDE - Code layout of main.c always gets garbled when saving project.ioc file

Senior II

Is there a way to "heal" or tidy up the layout of main.c? A tool or button that can rearrange User code and while code sections? Recently every save of the project's .ioc file results in a closing brace "}" getting deleted in the main.c file. Has the "User Code begin while/end while" to be outside of the while loop or inside? And begin user code 3/end user code 3 outside of the main.c body or inside?

Chief II


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Senior II

Thanks. But your example would help better, if it only had one while loop. This way it is doubly confusing.

Chief II

ok, so just make a new project in your IDE, name test_1 , make a clocktree without errors (maybe auto is doing it), generate code.

then you see a 100% new and empty code as yor reference. (needs about 5 mins. )


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