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[STM32-H7S3L8] Adresses of SAI1 and SAI2 in .svd file is swapped


Hi, I have a NUCLEO-H7S3L8 and I think there is an addresses mistake in the .svd files and potentially other hardware description files.

You can reproduce and see the mistake if you setup the SAI1_A and SAI1_B on CubeMX, generate the code and debug the program, you will see in the SFR widget of STM32CubeIDE (the .svd file) that it's the SAI2 registers configured instead.

It also affects the CubeMX configuration of SAI, we can't set SAI1_A on Master and SAI1_B on Slave synchronous which is very annoying (image below).



I'm not sure if it's the right place to report this, but I would really appreciate if you follow this issue on the right ST team.


Senior III

@STTwo-32  , OP forgot the bug-report label so I'm making sure someone from ST sees this. Thanks.

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ST Employee

Hello @abonv 

Thank you So much for your report and thank you @BarryWhit for mentioning me on the same context. I've reproduced it but it is just a CubeMX error (nothing to do with the SVD file). I've escalated this internally for correction on the CubeMX coming versions (under internal ticket number 186945).

Best Regards.


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