2024-11-11 1:39 AM
Dear all!
this is the first time i handle with STM32H7 series. in my project control ILI9488 by TouchGFX platform, 4 mosfets, 1 Led. in the first step, i try to blink a led at pin PB5 but seem unsuccess. i don't know how to fix, so can you share me my mistake and how to fix it. in attach file have schematic. can you take a look and share me your input.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-11-21 3:10 AM
Getting back to you regarding CubeMx. There is an issue in CubeMx V6.12.1.
For System clock @240MHz/VOS2, the HPRE prescaler needs to be 2.
So in your ioc file set HPRE to 2 instead of 1.
The issue seems to be fixed in an internal version that will be available soon on st.com.
If this solved your issue/answered your question, please accept it as solution.
Thank you.
2024-11-11 1:56 AM
If you comment the line MX_TouchGFX_Process(); what happens?
2024-11-11 6:14 AM
2024-11-11 6:19 AM
Sorry I don't see any change in the While loop:
while (1)
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB, Run_led_Pin);
Could you please remove the call of MX_TouchGFX_Process() and try?
2024-11-11 6:22 AM
this function was generate automatic when we use touchGFX designer, if we remove it. we can not display TFT LCD
2024-11-11 6:35 AM
You need to check the GPIO toggle function first before going ahead with TouchGFX. This is how we proceed while we face an issue. Going step by step.
2024-11-13 3:24 AM
Hello @khanhcong861989
Were you able to toggle the GPIO by commenting out MX_TouchGFX_Process() ?
2024-11-14 5:21 PM
still can't, i'm try remove MX_TouchGFX_Process() but still can't
2024-11-15 12:23 AM
Ok start with a very simple project where you only toggle that pin.
If it doesn't work you need to attach that simple project and your board schematics.
2024-11-15 11:11 PM