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Sd card checkbox under FatFs is grayed out in STM32Cube IDE


I'm trying to set up FatFs to interface with an SD card over SPI. I know SDIO is faster, but my breakout board for the SD card only breaks out the pins nessesary for SPI.

In the microcontroller configuration section of the STM32Cube IDE (what you get when you open the name-of-project.ioc file), with all other options at the default values, when I go to enable FatFs both the SD card and USB options are grayed out. Only user configuration is available. The microcontroller is an stm32f446RE. Why is this grayed out? It can't be some random setting I selected because it's a brand new project and I haven't changed any other settings yet.

Senior II

have you enable spi in connectivity in .ioc file



I'm having the same issue as posted by mcook1, and I do have SPI enabled. The only option available is the User-defined checkbox. This seems to be and STM32Cube IDE issue as prior user before IDE did not report this issue. The question is, how do we enable the "SD Card" option for FATFS.

Associate II

I think it's because Clock Configuration or/and I2C clock connected to SDMMC.