2019-04-09 8:22 AM
Hello !
My project works with FreeRTOS and HAL library (generate by CubeMX) on STM32L496 and I use TIM1 as timebase source instead of SystTick.
I have a problem with osDelay().
I have these functions to print what I want with an UART :
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
uint8_t TUTxPutByte(uint8_t p_data)
//Push character on UART
return HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, &p_data, 1, 1);
}//end TUTxPutByte
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
uint8_t sendMsg(char * p_msg_to_send, uint8_t p_CRLF)
uint8_t i = 0; //Loop variable
uint8_t lengthMsg = 0; //Length of ASCII data
uint8_t statusReturn = HAL_OK; //Error function return
//Calculate length of message
lengthMsg = strlen(p_msg_to_send);
//Transmit loop
for(i = 0; i < lengthMsg; i++){
//Send char by char with error control of HAL function
if((statusReturn = TUTxPutByte(p_msg_to_send[i])) != HAL_OK)
return statusReturn;
}//end for
//String termination
if((p_CRLF == SEND_CR) || (p_CRLF == SEND_CR_LF))
//Send CR with error control of HAL function
if((statusReturn = TUTxPutByte(0x0D)) != HAL_OK) // [ASCII] CR
return statusReturn;
//String termination
if((p_CRLF == SEND_LF) || (p_CRLF == SEND_CR_LF))
//Send LF with error control of HAL function
if((statusReturn = TUTxPutByte(0x0A)) != HAL_OK) //< [ASCII] LF
return statusReturn;
//Normal case
return HAL_OK;
}//end sendMsg
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
uint8_t cprintf (const char *format, ...)
uint8_t i = 0;
char msg_to_write[SIZE_BUFFER_DEBUG] = {'\0'}; //Maximum 128 characters
//Stack declaration
va_list pile;
//Last argument
va_start(pile, format);
//Array construction
i = vsnprintf (msg_to_write, SIZE_BUFFER_DEBUG, format, pile);
//Close stack
//Send Msg
sendMsg(msg_to_write, NO_CR_LF);
//Return number of characters sent
return i;
}//end cprintf
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
When I use cprintf() function with a simple array (without arguments), all it works in my task, nothing stuck.
The problem is when I have an argument with cprintf as below:
void TestLOGTask(void const * argument)
uint8_t value = 'a';
cprintf("Value : %c\r\n", value);
void OtherTask(void const * argument)
osDelay stuck the runing execution in this configuration : it just execute one time my cprintf and stop execution of all task (including the blink led).
When I put HAL_Delay instead of osDelay() in TestLOGTask() OR/XOR OtherTask(), It works.
To resume :
Do you have any idea to solve this problem ?
Maybe due to mis-overwritting of the OS of tick function ?
This is strange because HAL_Delay just get tick, no set or init things.
Thank you in advance to any one who may be able to give me some ideas.
2019-04-11 1:10 AM
I solve this problem by increase the stack size of my task (use printf functions...).
However, I don't understand how it can works by using HAL_Delay() function.
2019-08-31 6:23 AM
I''m really appreciate your answer. I spent on it a whole day until I found your answer.