2019-03-10 7:57 AM
Hi everyone,
I have an STM32H743 Nucleo kit with ethernet interface. I'm trying to make alive a simple TCP/IP demo with the raw LwIP stack. I'm using STM32CubeMX with TrueStudio.
In the Cube I have configured the followings:
- Clock is set to th highest at every bus
- PHY is set to LAN8742. IOs are configured by Cube to their special function
- MPU is not used, nor cache (I and D also set to off)
- LwIP is used without FreeRTOS
- Ethernet IRQs are enabled in the Cube
- DHCP, ICMP, UDP enabled in the settings of the LwIP
In the TrueStudio project:
- I have modified the linker to place ETH_DMADescTypeDef DMARxDscrTab, ETH_DMADescTypeDef DMATxDscrTab and Rx_Buff into the D2_RAM at the mentioned addresses
- I have call the MX_LWIP_Process() in the main/while(1)
With these settings, I'm still not seeing my device on my network (I have tried WireShark also). What else do I miss to be able to ping it?
Thank in advance for any kind of idea!
Best regards,
2019-03-11 5:53 AM
Please follow in this discussion the recommendation and generate code to run the LWIP on STM32H7.
Then, keep us informed about yout progress.
Kind Regards,
2019-08-30 8:05 PM
Have you configured your cache?