2024-02-08 4:43 AM
Working in the MX and with a PicoScope, I measured some square waves looking to see how the MX generated code compared to the standard library code in loop time. I was changing frequency using the 8Hz HSI through the PLL multiplier. I found that with the MX generate code:
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LED_1_GPIO_Port, LED_1_Pin);
The toggle at 48Hz was slower(2.5micro seconds) than at 32 Hz(1.9micro seconds). WritePin was also slower: 48Hz at 2.3 microseconds, to 1.7 microseconds at 32Hz
Using this standard library code, 48Hz was faster than 32Hz, as expected:
DigWrite_GPIOC(4, 1);
DigWrite_GPIOC(4, 0);
(3.9microseconds at 48Hz, and 2.2 microseconds at 32Hz)
GPIOC->BSRR = 0x0010;
GPIOC->BRR = 0x0010;
(392ns at 48Hz, 332ns at 32Hz)
This was all done in the MX through the PLL at 8Hz by 6 divided by 1 for 48Hz, and 8Hz by 4 divided by 1 for 32 Hz.
The standard library functions were used in the HAL generated code body, as were the HAL generated functions.
Has anyone else has experienced this?
2024-02-08 5:01 AM
Sorry.....MHz, not Hz.
2024-02-08 5:23 AM
What chip? HSI has a /2 divisor on at least some F0 chips, didn't see that mentioned.
Weird. It should scale with clock speed. Did you verify clock settings using MCO out or something else?
> GPIOC->BRR = 0x0010;
This isn't a valid statement. Makes me wonder how you're compiling.
> Sorry.....MHz, not Hz.
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